การแปลงสี RGB เป็น HSV

ป้อนรหัสฐานสิบหก 6 หลัก หรือป้อนระดับสีแดง สีเขียว และสีน้ำเงิน (0..255) แล้วกดปุ่มแปลง :

ป้อนรหัสฐานสิบหก RGB (#):  
ใส่สีแดง (R):
ใส่สีเขียว (G):
ใส่สีฟ้า (B):
ฮิว (H): °  
ความอิ่มตัว (S): %  
ค่า (V): %  

การแปลง HSV เป็น RGB ►

สูตรการแปลง RGB เป็น HSV

ค่าR , G , Bหารด้วย 255 เพื่อเปลี่ยนช่วงจาก 0..255 เป็น 0..1:

R' = R/255

G' = G/255

B' = B/255

Cmax = max(R', G', B')

Cmin = min(R', G', B')

Δ = Cmax - Cmin







V = Cmax

ตารางสี RGB ถึง HSV

สี สี


เลขฐานสิบหก (อาร์,จี,บี) (ซ,ส,วี)
  สีดำ #000000 (0,0,0) (0°,0%,0%)
  สีขาว #FFFFFF (255,255,255) (0°,0%,100%)
  สีแดง #FF0000 (255,0,0) (0°,100%,100%)
  Lime #00FF00 (0,255,0) (120°,100%,100%)
  Blue #0000FF (0,0,255) (240°,100%,100%)
  Yellow #FFFF00 (255,255,0) (60°,100%,100%)
  Cyan #00FFFF (0,255,255) (180°,100%,100%)
  Magenta #FF00FF (255,0,255) (300°,100%,100%)
  Silver #BFBFBF (191,191,191) (0°,0%,75%)
  Gray #808080 (128,128,128) (0°,0%,50%)
  Maroon #800000 (128,0,0) (0°,100%,50%)
  Olive #808000 (128,128,0) (60°,100%,50%)
  Green #008000 (0,128,0) (120°,100%,50%)
  Purple #800080 (128,0,128) (300°,100%,50%)
  Teal #008080 (0,128,128) (180°,100%,50%)
  Navy #000080 (0,0,128) (240°,100%,50%)


HSV to RGB conversion ►


See also

RGB to HSV color conversion

RGB (red, green, blue) is a color model that uses three channels to create a wide range of colors. HSV (hue, saturation, value) is a color space that uses four channels to describe colors. RGB and HSV are both color spaces, but they are different.

RGB is a subtractive color model, which means that colors are created by subtracting light from white. In the RGB color space, colors are described by their red, green, and blue levels. White is the absence of all colors, so when you subtract all the colors from white, you get black.

HSV is an additive color model, which means that colors are created by adding light together. In the HSV color space, colors are described by their hue, saturation, and value levels. White is the combination of all colors, so when you add all the colors together, you get white.

RGB to HSV color conversion: a basic guide

RGB and HSV are two different ways of representing colors. RGB (red, green, blue) is a way of representing colors as three numbers, each between 0 and 255. HSV (hue, saturation, value) is a way of representing colors as three numbers, each between 0 and 1.

Converting from RGB to HSV is pretty simple. The RGB value for a color is the product of the red, green, and blue numbers. For example, if the RGB value is (255, 0, 0), that means the color is red. To convert from RGB to HSV, you just need to find the hue, saturation, and value of the color.

The hue is the angle of the color, measured in degrees. 0 degrees is red, 120 degrees is green, and 240 degrees is blue. The saturation is how strong the color is. 1 is the most saturated, and 0 is the least saturated.

RGB to HSV color conversion: why it's important

RGB (red, green, blue) is the color space that is used by digital displays such as computer monitors and TVs. RGB is a additive color space, which means that colors are created by adding red, green and blue light together.

HSV (hue, saturation, value) is a color space that is used by some graphics programs and is more intuitive than RGB for many tasks. HSV is a subtractive color space, which means that colors are created by subtracting light from white.

Most graphics programs allow you to work in either RGB or HSV color spaces. When you convert from RGB to HSV, the colors are changed in a way that is specific to that program. However, the basic concepts of hue, saturation and value remain the same.

Hue is the color of the light, such as red, green or blue. Saturation is the intensity of the color, and value is the brightness of the color.

Features of RGB to HSV Color Converter Tool

RGB to HSV color conversion is a tool that allows you to convert colors specified in the RGB (red, green, blue) color model to the HSV (hue, saturation, value) color model.

Here are some features that this tool might have:

  1. Input field for specifying an RGB color value: The tool should allow you to input an RGB color value in the form of three integers between 0 and 255, separated by commas.

  2. Output field for displaying the corresponding HSV color value: The tool should display the corresponding HSV color value in the form of three values, separated by commas. The hue value will be an angle between 0 and 360, the saturation value will be a percentage between 0% and 100%, and the value will be a percentage between 0% and 100%.

  3. Color preview: The tool should display a preview of the input and output colors to help you visualize the conversion.

  4. Conversion accuracy: The tool should accurately convert RGB colors to their corresponding HSV values and vice versa.

  5. User-friendly interface: The tool should be easy to use, with clear instructions and a simple, intuitive layout.

  6. Compatibility with different devices: The tool should be compatible with a range of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

  7. รองรับรุ่นสีต่างๆ: เครื่องมือบางอย่างอาจรองรับการแปลงสีระหว่างรุ่นสีอื่นๆ เช่น HSL (ฮิว ความอิ่มตัว ความสว่าง) หรือ CMYK (ฟ้า ม่วงแดง เหลือง ดำ)


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