How to save electricity

How to save money on electricity bills. 40 electricity saving tips at home.

  1. Close the curtains at night to reduce heat loss.
  2. Use a space heater instead of turning up the thermostat to heat a small area.
  3. Use a clothesline or drying rack instead of a dryer to dry clothes.
  4. Use a power strip to turn off multiple electronics at once.
  5. Turn off the power strip when electronics are not in use.
  6. Use a gas stove instead of an electric stove.
  7. Turn off the stove a few minutes before the food is finished cooking to let the residual heat finish the job.
  8. Use the microwave or toaster oven instead of the stove or oven for small cooking tasks.
  9. Use a slow cooker to save energy on cooking.
  10. Install solar panels on your roof to generate electricity.
  11. Install solar water heater system.
  12. Insulate your house.
  13. Install window shutters.
  14. Install double glazing windows.
  15. Buy Energy Star qualified appliances.
  16. Buy appliances with low power consumption.
  17. Check the temperature insulation of your house.
  18. Turn off appliances and gadgets that are in stand by state.
  19. Prefer fan to A/C
  20. Prefer A/C heating to electric/gas/wood heating
  21. Prefer inverter A/C to regular on/off A/C
  22. Set A/C's thermostat to moderate temperature.
  23. Use A/C locally for one room instead of the whole house.
  24. Avoid opening frequently the refrigerator door.
  25. Leave enough space between the refrigerator and the wall to allow ventilation.
  26. Turn off the light when you leave the room.
  27. Install presence detector to turn lighting off when leaving the room.
  28. Use low power light bulbs.
  29. Wash your clothes in cold water.
  30. Use shorter washing machine program.
  31. Fill the washing machine / dryer / dishwasher before operation.
  32. Wear clothes that fit the current temperature.
  33. Wear thick clothes to keep warm
  34. Wear light clothes to keep cool
  35. Use the stairs instead of elevator.
  36. Set PC energy saving features
  37. Use clothes drying rack instead of electric clothes dryer
  38. Put the exact amount of water that you need in your electric kettle
  39. Go to sleep early.
  40. Use sunlight instead of artificial light
  41. Buy LED TV instead of plasma
  42. Reduce TV/Monitor/Phone display brightness
  43. Buy computer with low power (TDP) CPU/GPU
  44. Buy computer with efficient power supply unit (PSU)
  45. Prefer LED light over incandescent light bulbs.
  46. Disconnect electrical charger when it finished charging.
  47. Prefer microwave oven over toaster oven
  48. Use electricity usage monitor
  49. Turn off lights and electronics when they are not in use.
  50. Use energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs.
  51. Set your thermostat to a lower temperature in the winter and a higher temperature in the summer.
  52. Plant trees or install shading devices to block the sun's rays and keep your home cooler in the summer.
  53. Insulate your home to keep it warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
  54. Use a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature when you are not home.
  55. Unplug electronics and appliances when they are not in use, as they can still use energy when they are turned off but plugged in.
  56. Install low-flow showerheads to reduce water and energy usage.
  57. Fix leaks in your home to reduce water waste.
  58. Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with full loads.
  59. Use cold water for washing clothes to save energy on heating water.
  60. Dry clothes outside on a clothesline instead of using a dryer.
  61. Use a pressure cooker or slow cooker instead of a stove or oven to cook food.
  62. Use a microwave instead of an oven to save energy when cooking small items.
  63. Use a toaster oven or electric kettle instead of a stovetop to save energy when boiling water or toasting bread.
  64. Turn off appliances and lights when you leave a room.
  65. Use natural light instead of artificial light whenever possible.
  66. Use a power strip to turn off multiple electronics at once.
  67. Use a ceiling fan to circulate air instead of turning up the air conditioning.
  68. Use a clothesline or drying rack instead of a dryer to dry clothes.
  69. Use a manual lawn mower instead of a gas-powered one.
  70. Use a reusable water bottle instead of disposable plastic bottles.
  71. Recycle paper, plastic, and metal to save energy on production.
  72. Shop secondhand to extend the life of products and reduce waste.
  73. Support clean energy sources such as solar or wind power.
  74. Use public transportation, carpool, or walk or bike instead of driving alone.
  75. Properly inflate your car's tires to improve fuel efficiency.
  76. Use cruise control on the highway to save fuel.
  77. Avoid idling your car for long periods of time.
  78. Combine errands into one trip to reduce the number of times you have to drive.
  79. Install a low-flow toilet to reduce water usage.
  80. Fix any drafts in your home to reduce heat loss.
  81. Use draft stoppers on doors and windows to reduce heat loss.
  82. Use a pressure cooker to save energy on cooking.
  83. Use a gas grill instead of an electric grill.
  84. Use browser/applications with Dark mode


See also


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