Enter ASCII text or hex/binary/decimal numbers:
Hex/decimal/octal/binary number converter ►
ASCII Character |
Hexadecimal | Binary | Decimal |
NUL | 00 | 00000000 | 0 |
SOH | 01 | 00000001 | 1 |
STX | 02 | 00000010 | 2 |
ETX | 03 | 00000011 | 3 |
EOT | 04 | 00000100 | 4 |
ENQ | 05 | 00000101 | 5 |
ACK | 06 | 00000110 | 6 |
BEL | 07 | 00000111 | 7 |
BS | 08 | 00001000 | 8 |
HT | 09 | 00001001 | 9 |
LF | 0A | 00001010 | 10 |
VT | 0B | 00001011 | 11 |
FF | 0C | 00001100 | 12 |
CR | 0D | 00001101 | 13 |
SO | 0E | 00001110 | 14 |
SI | 0F | 00001111 | 15 |
DLE | 10 | 00010000 | 16 |
DC1 | 11 | 00010001 | 17 |
DC2 | 12 | 00010010 | 18 |
DC3 | 13 | 00010011 | 19 |
DC4 | 14 | 00010100 | 20 |
NAK | 15 | 00010101 | 21 |
SYN | 16 | 00010110 | 22 |
ETB | 17 | 00010111 | 23 |
CAN | 18 | 00011000 | 24 |
EM | 19 | 00011001 | 25 |
SUB | 1A | 00011010 | 26 |
ESC | 1B | 00011011 | 27 |
FS | 1C | 00011100 | 28 |
GS | 1D | 00011101 | 29 |
RS | 1E | 00011110 | 30 |
US | 1F | 00011111 | 31 |
Space | 20 | 00100000 | 32 |
! | 21 | 00100001 | 33 |
" | 22 | 00100010 | 34 |
# | 23 | 00100011 | 35 |
$ | 24 | 00100100 | 36 |
% | 25 | 00100101 | 37 |
& | 26 | 00100110 | 38 |
' | 27 | 00100111 | 39 |
( | 28 | 00101000 | 40 |
) | 29 | 00101001 | 41 |
* | 2A | 00101010 | 42 |
+ | 2B | 00101011 | 43 |
, | 2C | 00101100 | 44 |
- | 2D | 00101101 | 45 |
. | 2E | 00101110 | 46 |
/ | 2F | 00101111 | 47 |
0 | 30 | 00110000 | 48 |
1 | 31 | 00110001 | 49 |
2 | 32 | 00110010 | 50 |
3 | 33 | 00110011 | 51 |
4 | 34 | 00110100 | 52 |
5 | 35 | 00110101 | 53 |
6 | 36 | 00110110 | 54 |
7 | 37 | 00110111 | 55 |
8 | 38 | 00111000 | 56 |
9 | 39 | 00111001 | 57 |
: | 3A | 00111010 | 58 |
; | 3B | 00111011 | 59 |
< | 3C | 00111100 | 60 |
= | 3D | 00111101 | 61 |
> | 3E | 00111110 | 62 |
? | 3F | 00111111 | 63 |
@ | 40 | 01000000 | 64 |
A | 41 | 01000001 | 65 |
B | 42 | 01000010 | 66 |
C | 43 | 01000011 | 67 |
D | 44 | 01000100 | 68 |
E | 45 | 01000101 | 69 |
F | 46 | 01000110 | 70 |
G | 47 | 01000111 | 71 |
H | 48 | 01001000 | 72 |
I | 49 | 01001001 | 73 |
J | 4A | 01001010 | 74 |
K | 4B | 01001011 | 75 |
L | 4C | 01001100 | 76 |
M | 4D | 01001101 | 77 |
N | 4E | 01001110 | 78 |
O | 4F | 01001111 | 79 |
P | 50 | 01010000 | 80 |
Q | 51 | 01010001 | 81 |
R | 52 | 01010010 | 82 |
S | 53 | 01010011 | 83 |
T | 54 | 01010100 | 84 |
U | 55 | 01010101 | 85 |
V | 56 | 01010110 | 86 |
W | 57 | 01010111 | 87 |
X | 58 | 01011000 | 88 |
Y | 59 | 01011001 | 89 |
Z | 5A | 01011010 | 90 |
[ | 5B | 01011011 | 91 |
\ | 5C | 01011100 | 92 |
] | 5D | 01011101 | 93 |
^ | 5E | 01011110 | 94 |
_ | 5F | 01011111 | 95 |
` | 60 | 01100000 | 96 |
a | 61 | 01100001 | 97 |
b | 62 | 01100010 | 98 |
c | 63 | 01100011 | 99 |
d | 64 | 01100100 | 100 |
e | 65 | 01100101 | 101 |
f | 66 | 01100110 | 102 |
g | 67 | 01100111 | 103 |
h | 68 | 01101000 | 104 |
i | 69 | 01101001 | 105 |
j | 6A | 01101010 | 106 |
k | 6B | 01101011 | 107 |
l | 6C | 01101100 | 108 |
m | 6D | 01101101 | 109 |
n | 6E | 01101110 | 110 |
o | 6F | 01101111 | 111 |
p | 70 | 01110000 | 112 |
q | 71 | 01110001 | 113 |
r | 72 | 01110010 | 114 |
s | 73 | 01110011 | 115 |
t | 74 | 01110100 | 116 |
u | 75 | 01110101 | 117 |
v | 76 | 01110110 | 118 |
w | 77 | 01110111 | 119 |
x | 78 | 01111000 | 120 |
y | 79 | 01111001 | 121 |
z | 7A | 01111010 | 122 |
{ | 7B | 01111011 | 123 |
| | 7C | 01111100 | 124 |
} | 7D | 01111101 | 125 |
~ | 7E | 01111110 | 126 |
DEL | 7F | 01111111 | 127 |
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a code that assigns a unique number to each letter, number, and symbol on a computer keyboard. This code allows computers to communicate with each other across the internet.
The ASCII code is also used to create text files. These files are composed of a series of letters, numbers, and symbols that are assigned a unique number by the ASCII code. When a computer opens an ASCII text file, it will translate the numbers back in to letters, numbers, and symbols.
Hex code is a 6-digit code used to represent colors in digital media. Hex codes are used in HTML, CSS, and other web development languages to define colors.
To use a hex code in HTML or CSS, you need to know the name of the color you want to use. You can find a list of color names here: https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp
Once you know the name of the color, you can find the hex code for that color by looking it up in this table: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_color_hex.asp
To use a hex code in HTML or CSS, you need to use the code in this format: "#xxxxxx"
For example, the hex code for red is "#FF0000". So, if you wanted to use red in HTML or CSS, you would use this code
The binary code is a numbering system that uses only the digits 0 and 1. In the binary code, each number is represented by a combination of these two digits. For example, the number 12 can be represented as:
In the binary code, the number 3 would be written as:
The decimal code is a system used to represent numbers using the digits 0-9. In this system, each digit is placed in a column, and the value of the digit is multiplied by the power of 10 indicated by the position of the column. For example, the number 1234 can be represented using the decimal code as:
1 x 10^3 + 2 x 10^2 + 3 x 10^1 + 4 x 10^0
This code can be used to represent any number, big or small. In order to convert a number from the decimal code to standard notation, the digits in the number are simply read from left to right. For example, the number 987 can be converted to standard notation by reading it as:
9 x 10^2 + 8 x 10^1 + 7 x 10^0
The decimal code can also be used to represent fractions. In this case, each digit in the number is placed in a
ASCII is the most common representation of text data. Hexadecimal is a base 16 number system, which is used in computer programming to represent binary data. Binary is a base 2 number system, which is used to represent the states of computer memory. Decimal is the number system that we use in everyday life, with base 10.
To convert from ASCII to Hex, divide the ASCII value by 16, and take the remainder. The Hex value is the first six characters of the remainder. For example, the ASCII value for "A" is 65, so the Hex value is "A".
To convert from Hex to ASCII, divide the Hex value by 16, and take the remainder. The ASCII value is the first six characters of the remainder. For example, the Hex value for "A" is "41", so the ASCII value is "A".
To convert from Binary to Hex, divide the binary value by 16, and take the remainder
Base64 encoding is a process of transforming binary data in to a text format that can be easily transmitted over the internet. The text format is made up of a series of 64 characters, each of which corresponds to a 6-bit binary number. This makes it possible to encode a binary file in to a series of text characters that can be easily transmitted over the internet without the risk of data corruption.
ASCII, Hex, Binary, Decimal, Base64 converter offered by cmtoinchesconvert.com is a free online utility that allows users to converter ASCII, Hex without any manual efforts. Some of the key features of this Decimal, Base64 converter are listed below:
You don't need to go through any registration process to use this ASCII, Hex, Binary, Decimal, Base64. You can use this utility for free and do unlimited Decimal, Base64 conversions without any limitations.
You don't need to install any software on your device to access ASCII, Base64 converter. You can access and use this online service with any web browser with a stable internet connection.
ASCII, Hex, Binary, Decimal, Base64 converter is easy to use interface. use that enable users to convert ASCII, Hex online in seconds. You don't need to acquire any special skills or follow complicated procedures, to use this ASCII, Binary Tool.
This ASCII, Hex, Base64 converter offers users the fastest conversion. Once the user enters the ASCII values in the input field and clicks the Convert button, the utility will start the conversion process and return the results immediately.
The results generated by this Decimal, Base64 are 100% accurate. The advanced algorithms used by this utility provided users with error-free results. If you ensure the authenticity of the results provided by this utility, you can use any method to verify them.
ASCII, Decimal converter is compatible with all types of devices. Whether you are using a smartphone, tablet, desktop, laptop or Mac, you can easily use this Binary, Decimal, Base64 converter.