Canonical URL link

Canonical URL tag. Canonical link tag.

HTML canonical link tag redirect

The canonical link does not redirect to the preferred URL, but it can be an alternative to URL redirection for websites where most of the traffic comes from search engines.

The HTML tag for canonical links can be used when there are multiple pages with similar content and you want to tell search engines which page you prefer in the search results.

The canonical link tag can link to the same domain and also to multiple domains .

Add the canonical link tag to the old page to link to the
new page.

Add the canonical link tag to pages that you prefer not to link search engine traffic to the preferred page.

The canonical link tag should be added in the section.

Example #1

When page has moved we can add canonical link in the old page to notify search engines to reach the new page.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <link rel="canonical" href="">

Example #2

When there are several pages with similar convetnt, if we preffer search engines to reach page3.html, we should add canonical link to page3.html in the head section of page1.html and page2.html.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <link rel="canonical" href="">


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <link rel="canonical" href="">



HTML redirection ►


See also


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