How to convert joules to kilowatts

How to convert energy in joules (J) to electric power in kilowatts (kW).

You can calculate kilowatts from joules and seconds, but you can't convert joules to kilowatts, since joule and kilowatt units represent different quantities.

Joules to kilowatts calculation formula

The power P in kilowatts (kW) is equal to the energy E in joules (J), divided by 1000 times the time period t in seconds (s):

P(kW) = E(J) / (1000 × t(s))


kilowatt = joule / (1000 × second)


kW = J / (1000 × s)

Example 1

The formula for converting energy in joules to power in kilowatts is:

P(kW) = E(J) / (1000 × t(s))

This means that to convert from joules to kilowatts, you need to divide the energy in joules by 1000 times the time period in seconds.

For example, if you have an energy consumption of 90 joules over a time period of 3 seconds, the power consumption in kilowatts would be:

P(kW) = 90J / (1000 × 3s) = 0.03kW

It's important to note that the time period is crucial in this calculation, as power is a measure of energy per unit time. If the time period changes, the power consumption will also change.


How to convert kW to joules ►


See also


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