How to convert 100 watts to amps

How to convert electric power of 100 watts (W) to electric current in amps (A).

You can calculate (but not convert) the amps from watts and volts:

Amps calculation with voltage of 12V DC

To calculate the current (in amps) of a circuit with a direct current (DC) power supply, you can use the formula:

I = P / V

Where I is the current in amps,  P  is the power in watts, and V is the voltage in volts.

For example, if you have a circuit with a power of 100 watts and a voltage of 12 volts, the current would be:

I = 100W / 12V = 8.3333A

It's important to note that this formula assumes that the circuit is purely resistive, meaning that it has no inductive or capacitive components. In a real-world circuit, the actual current may be slightly different due to these components, as well as other factors such as the resistance of the wire and the load.

Amps calculation with voltage of 120V AC

To calculate the current (in amps) of a circuit with an alternating current (AC) power supply, you can use the formula:

I = P / (PF × V)

Where I is the current in amps, P is the power in watts, PF is the power factor, and V is the voltage in volts.

The power factor is a measure of how much of the apparent power (measured in volt-amps or VA) is actually being used to do work. For a purely resistive load, the power factor is equal to 1, so the current can be calculated using the formula you provided:

I = P / (PF × V) = 100W / (1 × 120V) = 0.8333A

For an inductive load, like an induction motor, the power factor is less than 1, typically around 0.8. In this case, the current would be calculated as:

I = P / (PF × V) = 100W / (0.8 × 120V) = 1.0417A

It's important to note that this formula assumes that the circuit is purely resistive or purely inductive. In a real-world circuit, the actual current may be slightly different due to other factors such as the resistance of the wire and the load.

Amps calculation with voltage of 230V AC

To calculate the current (in amps) of a circuit with an alternating current (AC) power supply, you can use the formula:

I = P / (PF × V)

Where I is the current in amps, P is the power in watts, PF is the power factor, and V is the voltage in volts.

For a purely resistive load, the power factor is equal to 1, so the current can be calculated using the formula you provided:

I = P / (PF × V) = 100W / (1 × 230V) = 0.4348A

For an inductive load, like an induction motor, the power factor is less than 1, typically around 0.8. In this case, the current would be calculated as:

I = P / (PF × V) = 100W / (0.8 × 230V) = 0.5435A

It's important to note that this formula assumes that the circuit is purely resistive or purely inductive. In a real-world circuit, the actual current may be slightly different due to other factors such as the resistance of the wire and the load.


How to convert watts to amps ►


See also


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