Picocoulombs to coulombs conversion

Picocoulombs (pC) to coulombs (C) electric charge conversion calculator and how to convert.

Picocoulombs to coulombs conversion calculator

Enter the electrical charge in coulombs and press the Convert button:

Coulombs result: C

Coulombs to pC conversion calculator ►

How to convert picocoulombs to coulombs

1C = 1012pC


1pC = 10-12C

Picocoulombs to coulombs conversion formula

The charge in coulombs Q(C) is equal to the charge in picocoulombs Q(pC) divided by 1012:

Q(C) = Q(pC) / 1012

Example 1

Convert 2 picocoulombs to coulombs:

Q(C) = 2pC / 1012 = 2⋅10-12C

Example 2

Convert 10 picocoulombs to coulombs:

Q(C) = 10pC / 1012 = 10⋅10-11C

Example 3

Convert 100 picocoulombs to coulombs:

Q(C) = 100pC / 1012 = 100⋅10-10C

Example 4

Convert 1000 picocoulombs to coulombs:

Q(C) = 1000pC / 1012 = 1000⋅10-9C

Picocoulomb to coulombs conversion table

Charge (picocoulomb) Charge (coulomb)
0 pC 0 C
1 pC 10-12 C
10 pC 10-11 C
100 pC 10-10 C
1000 pC 10-9 C
10000 pC 10-8 C
100000 pC 10-7 C
1000000 pC 10-6 C
10000000 pC 10-5 C
100000000 pC 10-4 C
1000000000 pC 10-3 C


Coulombs to pC conversion ►


How much is a picoculumb?

Picoculumb is 1/1,000,000,000,000 of a Coulomb, which is an electric charge equal to one ampere in a second. Picoculumb is a multiple of Coulomb, which is the SI derivative unit for electric charge. In the metric system, "pico" is the prefix for 10–12.

What is a Picocoolumb?

Picocoolumb (plural picocoolumb) one unit of electric charge, 10-12 of a Coulomb.

How do you change NC to C?
1 nc = 1 * 10-9 C.

What is the value of nano Coulomb?

Nanocoolb to Coulomb Conversion Table

1 NC10-9 C
10 NC10-8 C
100 NC10-7 C
1000 NC10-6 C

How many electrons are there in a picocoolmb?

To convert electron charge measurement into picocoolumb measurement, multiply the electric charge by the conversion ratio. The electric charge in the picoculumb is equal to the electron charge multiplied by 1.6022E-7. For example, here's how to convert 5,000,000 electron charge to picocoolomb using the formula above.

How many J's are there in a PJ?

Petajool (PJ) is equivalent to a quadrillion (1015) Joule. The 210 PJ is about 50 megatons of TNT which is the amount of energy released by Tsar Bomba, the largest man-made explosion ever.

How do you turn Coulomb into Milliculoam?

To convert a millicond measurement into a Coulomb measurement, divide the electric charge by the conversion ratio. The electric charge in Coulomb is equal to millicondlemb divided by 1,000.

How do I convert F to PF?

To convert the Farad measurement into a Picofarad measurement, multiply the capacitance by the conversion ratio. The capacitance in Picofarad is equal to that of Farad multiplied by 1,000,000,000,000.

What is NC in electric field?

The SI units of the electric field are Newton per Coulomb or N C-1.

How do you convert mn to n?

1 Mn is equal to 1000000 Newton.

How do you convert KV to V?

To convert a kilovolt measurement into a volt measurement, multiply the voltage by the conversion ratio. The voltage in volts is equal to kilovolts multiplied by 1,000.


See also

Features of Picocoulombs to coulombs Converter Tool

Our Picocoulombs to coulombs Conversion Tool allows the users to Calculate Picocoulombs to coulombs . Some of the prominent features of this utility are explained below.

No Registration

You don’t need to go through any registration process to use the Picocoulombs to coulombs Conversion. Using this utility, you can Calculate Picocoulombs to coulombs as many times as you want for free.

Fast conversion

This Picocoulombs to coulombs Convertert offers users the fastest to calculate. Once the user enters the Picocoulombs to coulombs values ​​in the input field and clicks the Convert button, the utility will start the conversion process and return the results immediately.

Saves Time and Effort

The manual procedure of Calculate Picocoulombs to coulombs isn’t an easy task. You must spend a lot of time and effort to complete this task. The Picocoulombs to coulombs Conversion Tool allows you to complete the same task immediately. You will not be asked to follow manual procedures, as its automated algorithms will do the work for you.


Despite investing time and effort in manual Calculation, you might not be able to get your hands on accurate results. Not everyone is good at solving math problems, even if you think you're a pro, there's still a good chance you'll get in accurate results. This situation can be smartly handled with the help of a Picocoulombs to coulombs Conversion Tool. You will be provided with 100% accurate results by this online tool.


The online Picocoulombs to coulombs converter perfectly works on all operating systems. Whether you have a Mac, iOS, Android, Windows, or Linux device, you can easily use this online tool without facing any hassle.

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You don't need to go through any registration process to use this Picocoulombs to coulombs Calculator. You can use this utility for free and do unlimited Picocoulombs to coulombs Conversion without any limitations.

frequently asked questions about Picocoulombs to coulombs:

What is a picocoulomb?

A picocoulomb is a unit of electrical charge. It is equal to one trillionth of a coulomb, or 10^-12 coulombs.

What is a coulomb? A coulomb is a unit of electrical charge. It is defined as the amount of electric charge transported by a constant current of one ampere in one second.

How do I convert picocoulombs to coulombs?

To convert picocoulombs to coulombs, you can use the following formula:

coulombs = picocoulombs * 10^-12

How do I convert coulombs to picocoulombs?

To convert coulombs to picocoulombs, you can use the following formula:

picocoulombs = coulombs * 10^12

When would I use picocoulombs?

Picocoulombs are typically used to measure very small amounts of electrical charge, such as those found in electronic devices or in the human body.

When would I use coulombs?

Coulombs are used to measure larger amounts of electrical charge, such as those found in batteries or in electric vehicles. They are also used in electrical engineering and physics to calculate the amount of electric charge flowing through a circuit or system.


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